Meeting Us Where We're At

2 Corinthians 8:9

Jesus Christ became poor although he was rich
so that by his poverty you might become rich.

God created us because he loves us. He created YOU, because he loves YOU. You literally exist BECAUSE he loves you. He wants to live in relationship with us; not only now, but for eternity. He wants this so badly that he lowered himself to our level. I mean, imagine, THE Divine Being, infinity itself, the essence and source of all power and existence who set all of creation into motion, became a human being. It is the ultimate example of “meeting someone where they’re at.” All because he wants to be in relationship with us. This amazing gift of his self-offering continues today as he lowers himself to the humble form of his Eucharistic presence for us in the Mass and adoration.

Are we squandering this gift? Are we approaching the truly incredible and mind-blowing gift of the Mass with indifference? His self-offering in the incarnation, on the cross, and at every Mass is so that we might enter his Divine Life. He wants us to be a part of him, and to be a part of us. In fact, he wants to flood us so entirely with his divine life that we become new creations.

Let’s be super aware of the gift he offers us, and embrace it fully! The next time you go to Mass, allow these truths to be the lens through which you see it all.