What Makes God Giddy?

Psalm 149:2-4

Let Israel be glad in its maker,

the people of Zion rejoice in their king.

Let them praise his name in dance,

make music with tambourine and lyre.

For the LORD takes delight in his people,

honors the poor with victory.


Well… yeah.

Even though we’re so good at making mistakes, committing sins and being hypocrites?

Well… yeah. 

God delights in you! Yes, you. With all your imperfections, he delights in you. Of course , God does not delight in the brokenness and pain that leads to, and comes out of, any of our sinful actions. He adores what is the pinnacle of his creation… US.

We just wanted to remind you today that you are a DELIGHT to your Heavenly Father. You may be like, “but I’m so far from perfect! How could he delight in me?” Remember the Isrealites? They messed up ALL the time, and God loved them still. He had to be a little stern with them at some points (#40YearRoadTrip), but he did this out of his desire to make them a people who were capable and strong in their faith.

So today, walk a little taller. You DELIGHT the Creator of the Universe.